Joint Renewable Energy Claims Group
The LMA Joint Renewable Energy Claims Group (JRECG) provides a platform for claims practitioners to discuss common issues considered to be of interest or concern and make recommendations for implementation across the class of business. The Joint Renewable Energy Claims Group reports to the Lloyd’s Market Association Claims Committee (LMACC). .
The Co-Chairs are Andrew Butcher, Chaucer and David Osborne, Axis
ToR can be found here
Role of the Group
Primarily, the role of the Group is to:
- provide a representative forum which allows discussion of topical issues and common concerns within the Joint Renewable Energy market
- advise and provide feedback to the LMA Claims Committee (LMACC) where claims issues relating to the Joint Renewable Energy market have wider implications for the London market
- establish projects or sub-groups where appropriate to address specific market issues
- provide expertise and support to other LMA sector groups whose business is impacted by Renewable Energy
The LMA Claims Strategy