Lloyd's Market Association Bulletin

LMA23-035-TC| 09 November 2023

PFAS Exclusions Amended

Following feedback from the market, the LMA's Wordings Committee has updated LMA5595 and LMA5596 to include some familiar market language as examples of common PFAS substances; per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

Two new model exclusions – LMA5595A  and LMA5596A  – have been published, and the existing clauses archived.

A guidance note has also been produced to assist the market in understanding the rationale for the changes made and to provide further explanation on the scope of substances encompassed within the PFAS definition.

PFAS Definition Guidance Note to LMA5595A  
PFAS Definition Guidance Note to LMA5596A

All LMA model documents are purely illustrative and are published and distributed for the guidance of Lloyd’s managing agents, brokers, and other market participants. All contracting parties are free to agree to different conditions/amend the model documents as they see fit; the LMA does not protect its intellectual property rights over model documents. It is for underwriters to decide whether or not any contractual language is acceptable on any given risk. These documents are available on the Lloyd’s Wordings Repository  (LWR).

Toby Clark 
Executive, Technical Underwriting