The LMA issues model wordings from time to time. These wordings are purely illustrative and established and distributed for the guidance of Members, who are free to agree different conditions.
Recently issued wordings that may be of interest to the LMA Membership writing Property Reinsurance Business are listed below.
These wordings are all available on the Lloyd's Wordings Repository.
All managing agents have access to the Lloyd's Wordings Repository, providing underwriters with access to established model wordings and clauses in current use in all lines of business, against which slips can be referenced. The Repository includes all wordings developed by the LMA and other industry organisations, as well as many wordings from individual managing agents, other insurers and brokers. A link to Lloyd’s Wordings Repository is in the ‘Links’ section on the right-hand panel.
LMA5505 - Limited Communicable Disease Exclusion No. 3 (Property Treaty Reinsurance - Risk)
LMA5503 - Limited Communicable Disease Exclusion No.2 - (Property Treaty Reinsurance)
LMA5502 - Limited Communicable Disease Exclusion No.1 - (Property Treaty Reinsurance)
LMA5394 - Communicable Disease Exclusion Property Treaty