Joint Excess Loss Committee

Key issues

Communicable Disease

Following an intense period of work to understand the direct market positions by sector and how those interface with reinsurer concerns, the JXL has released its Communicable Disease Exclusion JX2020-009 and a Limited Coverage Endorsement JX2020-010 (links below). As with the main CL432 wording, dialogue between parties during placement is very much encouraged so that they reach a mutual understanding of the risks.

Transition to CL432

Following the release of CL432, the JXL issued a transition clause to enable existing policies to transition smoothly. The sole business purpose of the clause was - and continues to be - to afford cover for those with a finite and diminishing tail of risks which attached prior to the client’s original adoption of CL432. For that reason, once adopted, the Transition clause does not require amendment at any subsequent renewal to fulfil that purpose. For those clients electing to move to CL432 with effect from a given date, the Transition Clause should mirror the date of inception of the new policy – and again remain unaltered at each subsequent renewal.


The Lloyd's drive for clarity on policies over cyber, or more precisely on coverage given and claims that may arise from the use of software, will have ramifications for reinsurers as they will also have to be clear on their exposures and coverage.

Joint Excess Loss Circulars and Clauses

JX2021-016 Cyber Exposures

JX2020-010A Communicable Disease Ltd Coverage Endorsement

JX2020-009A Communicable Disease Exclusion

JX2020-014 Communicable Disease Circular

JX2020-13 JELC  Communicable Disease Review Circular 

JX2020-012  Schedule of Agreed Communicable Disease Exclusions

JX2020-011 Note on Communicable Disease Clauses

JX2020-010 Communicable Disease Limited Coverage Endorsement

JX2020-009 Communicable Disease Exclusion

JX2020-008 Communicable Disease Clauses Circular

Clause JX2020-007 - Joint Excess Loss Cyber Losses Clause  

Circular JX2020-006 - JELC Cyber Clause

Circular JX2018-003 - ARIAS (UK) Arbitration Confidentiality Clause

CL432  - 16/10/17 is the latest ver


Contact us

Neil Roberts
Head of Marine & Aviation

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Michelle Boyd
Senior Executive, Technical Underwriting

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