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Meet the FinPro Claims Group

Wednesday 22 May 2024
Event: 16.00 - 21.00
Venue: The Moniker, 25 Fenchurch Avenue, London EC3M 5AD


This event is open to all FinPro Claims Adjusters, Claims Managers and those with an interest in the FinPro Group.


You are invited to join us for informal drinks and the opportunity to meet the FinPro Claims Group. Find out more about what the group do and ways you can get involved, even if you are not a group member. We are keen to hear your suggestions for future events and initiatives and catch up with colleagues in a social setting.

The FinPro Claims Group will also use this opportunity to hand out copies of their updated CLA guidance, which has been condensed into two pages for easy reference.

CMS Cameron McKenna will be sponsoring the refreshments.


Due to restricted numbers, if you register and subsequently are unable to attend, please email ilka.priestley@aspen-insurance.

Registration instructions

  1. Enter your work email address in the 'Email Address' field below
  2. Click on 'Find your email' to bring up your details. If you do not have an existing LMA account you will be prompted to 'create a new account here'.
  3. Select 'Book now' to register. You should receive an event email confirmation with a link to Outlook calendar information (ICS file). If you do not receive your event confirmation email within a few minutes, check in your junk folder, then contact us at lma@lmalloyds.com, so that we confirm your place.  
  4. Online joining details will be sent via email to all registrants 24 hours prior to the event.

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