Lloyd's Market Association Bulletin

LMA20-054-PD | 16 December 2020

Lloyd’s cyber coverage clarity requirements

In advance of the deadline for classes of business in Phase 3 to meet the Lloyd’s requirements in respect of cyber coverage clarity (as set out in Y5258 and Y5277), the LMA would like to take this opportunity to highlight the model clauses that have been published for each class of business. The tables (linked below) not only highlights the various clauses but groups them into the following categories: affirmation, affirmation with limited exclusion, exclusion with writeback, full exclusion. 

Table of model clauses published .

The LMA has also published a suite of model cyber clauses which are class of business agnostic. The intention is to allow underwriters, brokers and clients to easily adapt a model clause in classes of business which do not have specific language. 

As with all model clauses, the below are purely illustrative and are distributed for the guidance of members, who are free to agree to different conditions or amend as they see fit. 

Patrick Davison
Deputy Director of Underwriting