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Lloyd's Market Association Bulletin

LMA19-005-EW | 22 January 2019

New claims committee governance structure

The LMA Claims team has completed a review of the way that our claims committees are structured and run. The LMA Claims Committee (LMACC) and Head of Sector Group were consulted as part of the review. The aim was to ensure that:

  • committee memberships are as representative of their market sectors as possible 
  • we bring together the right mix of skills and experience to represent the market effectively 
  • committees are able to take on and drive forward relevant initiatives 
  • committees are aligned with the priorities of the LMACC 
  • there is better communication of committee activities to the wider market. 

As a result of the review, we have established a new set of internal guidelines that outline a common approach for running claims committees.

The new approach is not intended to create a set of identical committees, but to try and ensure that each committee can meet the aims outlined above in the most appropriate way for its sector of the market.

This new approach provides the following key benefits:

  • fewer but more productive committees and meetings 
  • committees aligned in tackling the market’s priorities, and collaborating wherever possible • more opportunities for young professionals to get involved in market level initiatives.

The new claims committee governance structure is linked here.

The changes to our committees and memberships are currently being discussed with the committee chairs, and will be communicated to individual groups and members in the coming weeks. Membership of each committee will then be reviewed on an annual basis.

If you have any queries please contact James Wilson or Esther Williams.

Esther Williams
Technical Executive