Chief Information Security Officers Committee

As a sub-committee of the LMA’s Operations Committee, the CISO Committee provides a focal point for senior market representatives charged with oversight of information security at Lloyd's Managing Agents to discuss security matters within the insurance market. Click here for the Committee Terms of Reference .

The Committee reviews the information security threat landscape, new and emerging cyber threats and any recent incidents.  Special items members may raise relating to common interest areas such as cover-holder audits; third party assurance; Lloyd’s minimum standards; PRA regulatory requirements; outsourced services and systems.

For Market facing issues the Committee works with Lloyd’s to align and influence Lloyd’s cyber resilience requirements to those of the LMA members, and vice versa.  It owns on behalf of LMAOC market wide activities that have a cyber resilience impact, providing oversight and comment on behalf of the market in respect of appropriateness of proposed solutions; and advises on and recommend to the LMAOC and LMACC on information security and cyber resilience issues, on which the LMA will exercise leadership for the market;

The CISO Committee is chaired by Ryan Freund (Chaucer) and more information is available through the Secretary - Matt Wood (LMA).


Contact us

Matt Wood
Head of Technology

View Profile


Committee minutes can be downloaded from the Members' area, log in required: 

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